Monday, November 23, 2009
Cartiledge - Acupuncture
November 23, 2009
Sometimes you have the need to write, to move the paper all the thoughts that you want to sort and address and to keep you from being lost. They are sensations, memories and moments that would otherwise be lost. Healthy and happy thoughts are channeled THROUGH stories like this, where my heart roll with the sole intention of sharing it, as a dialogue or a party.
long ago we did not and needed to write to vent and not lose these feelings that thoughts have given me. It's a bit long, hope you like: LONGING
uranium ... Tribute to visual observers.
long ago that we do astronomy ...
field and not by desire, is bound to dry seasons are eternal, your soul waits ... Some days you get nostalgic looking through window, nose pressed against the glass and looking at the sky ... A voice inside you whispers, "I see "..." I need to see galaxies and nebulae "... and I draw them.
OK, but I can not get out ... ugh, but I have a terrible need .... Astronomy!, The phrase constantly assaulted me Van Gogh:
"I have a terrible need ... say the word? Religion,
then go out at night and paint the stars. "
My need is to look at the sky, stars ... and is so strong that I can not get it out of the head, I need to astronomy as the air we breathe, its absence me a vacuum of sorrow. My mind begins to work to compensate for that failure, then a series pensamiento.Y image address my vision of the Milky Way takes the lead, it feeds my spirit and soothes.
If I could contemplate it ... if I could draw his wonders in silence ...
Seeking solace in my store visual memories, I agree to the paragraph of "great camps" ... the brain is a wonderful machine.
photographic memory comes to my aid, which waterfall gushing out memories:
A Luna out on the hills, stretching Orion rising ... Now I look at it from the meridian and a meteor tore his clothes ... The Zodiacal light spring ... tonight ...
Southern Hemisphere skies and what heaven! In this memory I turn too often, those skies marked me for life ... at the zenith Scorpion shining as never before seen, and shared a few hours later the sky with Orion at once!. The Magellanic Clouds over the South Pacific ... black mountains and cut them ... Stars, stars everywhere ...
hours could be describing moments and memories I have burned into my memory. Are fraught with raw emotion, and when those memories bring me to this a chill runs along the spine, exactly the same I felt when watching him. And I'm happy. We
emotional beings, we are stardust ...
Astronomy is pure emotion, and could feel is something that only you can do yourself, alone with the Universe. This is not superficial Tares, involves overcoming a number of challenges, the beautiful Urania amply reward those who venture into its mysteries.
The challenge is to "explore the limits," limits imposed by our eyes, trying to reach and surpass them ... this is what causes many observers to scrutinize the starry fields, many following the old traditional method of using visual techniques and the Star-Hop. Pushes him to the vision the limit when viewed through an eyepiece. Some search does not make it by hand (using the GoTo) but makes up for the challenge back on visual observation. The truth is that in addition to observing who also looks at hand ... the reward is doubled.
From my point of view, the time spent searching is a really fascinating moment of the night and always recommend it to anyone who can endure the so-called astronomical positions "and the cold night.
All astronomer classic (which I call "old school") has felt the desire to achieve those limits of observation and was released without fear to the starry abyss with great desire "to bring his eyes to the limit ... to far ..." regardless of the risk of failure, as is the fact that cross boundaries or trying to reach the beginning of the great adventure ... is that conquest which offers great rewards.
No matter the limitations of our equipment, the fascination is thinking ... what if you try a little further? ... Let's try! ... Sometimes we get real surprises.
Abyss is a lesson, explore the depths of the cosmic ocean and the millions of light years without fear of spiritual vertigo or darkness, with only desire to see the fascinating secrets of the universe with your own eyes or sometimes with a single telescope as a single tool. Nothing sophisticated, just our eyes. As a personal journey. Sometimes the most magical nights and fascinating are those in which one is alone in the sky watching him in silence ... like trying to listen in its depths ... waiting for that fleeting meteor, watching the stars twinkle flirty demanding your attention ... a sapphire here, a ruby there ... topaz and aquamarine ... a gemstone jeweler.
To me it is not hard to find "a star jump" to this day remains one of the most fascinating of the night, but I am aware that the age and infirmities unfortunately deprive me of one day so enjoy it while you can always withhold some point in the night to practice, even with binoculars, savoring each stroke as a pleasure trip . Planning
follow the path through the stars that night already gives me pleasure and fascination I could not describe. Which route scheduled vacation the way that I will go among the stars: Destination M31 stops at Gamma Andromeda and the Ghost of Mirach ... I buckle up, release the brakes .... And the adventure begins!.
A false belief that technology will solve everything, who think "maybe" does not know the dimensions of classical astronomy, does not imagine the strength and the power that gives to discover for yourself. Or maybe I did, and after testing it has decided not full. Some astronomers think that both ways of enjoying power should go hand in hand. The technology does not facilitate any, many know because I have lived in the flesh. The chances that you run out of power or failure of a program or a motor is just as possible as there are clouds in the new moon and this usually happens quite often. If you have your romantic side and know the sky like to move as classical you can take advantage of the night despite the drawbacks, if you do not have to wait for the next opportunity. For some this is not usually a problem. Everyone has their way of life and feel the astronomy. Today
read in many forums Astronomy: GoTo: Yes or No ... It seems as if there could be a middle ground, and I really think that both are useful and good according to what.
GoTo There are those who use and do not want to hear about using the maps, I have come to hear: "Why do we have to waste time, stay warm and looking back pain help?, And he who does not want or painting and sees it as "go for food on the street next car "...
The GoTo is a great help in many cases (astro, scientific data, help the search if you can not handle maps, health problems ...) but I think there should be the only tool to time to practice astronomy field, I think it's always good to spend a little, by little it is, to search for the object without electronic help ... even without a target, aim at the sky and you're just pleased to fill your eyes Beauty and move aimlessly. With the freedom and pleasure of traveling ... as an all-inclusive. Enjoy, look all you want, it's free. Explore
personally phone limits, not always let technology do it for you.
I at least feel that this is the real passion. But I understand that not everyone can think like me. A challenge are passionate about technology and the auto world, other just likes working with maps, and some that combine both. The ends always end up losing some of the other. For example, do not limit astronomy only take pictures, enjoy the pleasure of watching if only for a while each output, low lighting and displays the minimum resting eyes to infinity.
Comment The Joy of ...
not know how many times I referred to M42 or The Pleiades, but every time I do it gives me a new vision, deep and emotional, and then I feel I have no limits and return to enjoy watching and when I did the first time.
Some friends only have experienced the pleasure of looking and observing, and I have confirmed that the moments have been more excitement and satisfaction that has given astronomy. Commenting you realize that this wonderful world there is no limit to enjoy, and whatever you do to get closer to heaven will always provide encouragement and desire to want more. I previously only observed visually, but now also observed in addition to working with automated equipment that allows me to do astrophotography. It's a different world ... and I also filled with excitement and surprises. But always, always, I dedicate a good time at night to observe. Bag me binoculars and pleasure in the rich star fields.
Curiously, some visual observation does not satisfy them, but usually because it is hard to see, it seems all so gray and off ... or who do not see the like because in their experience they have gone wrong with the cold and bones, miles, light pollution ... some people think: why strive when teams now allowed to do some amazing photos in color and can reach magnitudes before unthinkable ....?
Everything may depend on the degree to which you involved in astronomy, if you want to do astro-science or perhaps not the attention you dedicate time to personal visual observation, or perhaps if, as a person ... You may find that you like EVERYTHING Astronomy offers, or you simply want a particular practice.
When it comes to a night out to an observation purely recreational, the GoTo is not essential, you can hand pick your team if you enjoy the journey. There are truly passionate about this technique because it offers unique views of the chosen route between the stars as well as providing training exquisite visual. But it has its drawbacks, since not all long hours and endure the cold nights.
For those unable or unwilling to practice, the GoTo comes to his aid, and is very useful to save time and effort in the cold. Although losing the spectacular views along the way can enjoy more objects in the night, the difference is perhaps the pleasure of finding and exercise to detect and differentiate shapes, magnitudes ...
But sometimes not everything is emotional enjoyment observe wonders of the sky or by working with scientific teams, sometimes you discover that Vanity Fair is present at this exciting scene. Wow, what a shame ... I shrug their shoulders and think, ... well, I enjoy my way, maybe for some it is another way to live the fans ...
This story is becoming a dump of my mind and my heart, I have so many days without contact with the starry skies I need to do something that I approached it ... Astronomy. And just going out somewhere ... even writing.
Somehow these words are intended as a tribute to those who have a taste for observing the sky: in general all those who do "old-fashioned, heart, eyes, and their maps. Also those who still have teams GoTo enjoy watching, yes. In general all those who spend even a little of your time to look to the heavens and wonder, and feel a great desire to share such beauty and magnificence with friends: "Look, come and see this! ... you must see it! "Many know that I mean you.
People like my admired D. José Luis Comellas, who has shared with me both nights of observation, his emotions, even without being at your side ... or Talero Manuel, with whom I shared, plus maps and emotions, big adventures astronomy nights under the sky of him if I have recorded his voice ... "what nice! how nice !!... is amazing!, look and see if you also see where I "and a long list of expressions ... some a bit more" wild "but can you imagine the. Especially when they are startled by the flash of a bright meteor crossing over our heads. And many more friends in Seville, Madrid, Galicia ...
... Enjoy the sky without direction or even using maps is much more rewarding for those with a spirit of play, surprise and fantasy, why not, those who practice it makes them feel something irreplaceable, and they invade a unique sensation. The intensity of emotion is multiplied exponentially if share them with friends live in the countryside. For those who live this adventure and it is understandable that it can not ever leave. And there I find myself. It is natural for those that astronomy is purely and exclusively manual observation, GoTo feel that assures their goal but deprives them of their trip.
Ask a climber or mountaineer who get carried away by helicopter to the top ...
usually climb the mountain on foot, I revel in the climb, but if the need or the circumstances require it, do not exclude an exceptional basis, the helicopter.
sure what I will not do is quit and leave the manual search that gives me much gratification at night quiet in which I have no pass rush ... for automatic use only. This I will save the time for photography. Deprived of that pleasure would be like asking me to stop breathing. Always find a moment for it, so I invite everyone to try it too: to give away a little while to look at and admire the sky. Assemble a few simple binoculars and slowly walks down the summer river that crosses the vault silver, stimulate your senses with the myriad of diamonds that populate it.
My vision of what astronomy can differ from some people, for me astronomy is always a feeling, never a competition, is to discover and study the sky, not win a race to anyone. The ultimate goal is that sublime moment, intimate and emotional if I may say, that only each individual can experience within himself when he watches the skies, to a tune with the Cosmos. This search
staff is a challenge and a challenge that you're alone with the Universe.
Explore your limits
... is an adventure that only you can do yourself, when you've met want to teach others how to achieve their own challenges. Show that can go into the confines of the Cosmos and live this wonderful inner experience as a mystical journey, totally emotional. You can not even imagine how far you can be your limits with only your eyes and some maps. Even with telescopes able to get themselves to tiny objects or diffuse, difficult to achieve, even in this case your limits when looking through the eyepiece can be very far ... just have to teach your eyes to see. When you succeed, the stimulus and the personal emotion of having achieved this challenge will rise much higher than any interplanetary spacecraft.
When I look at the starry sky I am taken away from the ground, as
weightless ... I feel it is like looking at an open window. Even by day, I feel that the spectacle of the stars are there back, waiting for just a few hours to appear. The blue of the day is not more than the shade of soft blue tulle that hints suggesting that inevitably attracts ... to look and dream of what lies behind.
When night comes I look out the window overlooking the starry sky and became fascinated. I remember the words of Carl Sagan: "We are on the Shore of the Cosmic Ocean"
... ... ... .... On the shore of the ocean ... I feel an irresistible
need ... playing in the sand on the beach ... Then sack the
telescope and pointed to the beautiful star ...
is incredible, as I finish writing these lines I went to prepare dinner, I saw that the window of the terrace from the kitchen was open and going to close something in the sky caught my attention immediately. I have peered and I found a beautiful sight: the moon crescent nearly conjunct Jupiter. Separated by only three degrees, shining brightly over the city as if they were put there for me. As a gift.
... ... Thanks!
Ana Leonor Hernandez November 23, 2009
November 23, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Mother/daughter Yoga & Games
Fernando was now organizing astronomical roles when it has come to my table with one and he told me: you do not know what this is?
When I read I have been surprised and happy. It was a paper he had written some time ago and thought I had lost.
writing paper contained a dream which he had for a long time, and today I share with you.
Sometimes I wonder what the mind can offer, and when it comes to astronomical dreams .. indeed!
The dreamlike story I will tell you back some years ago, specifically from December 29, 2004.
We met some friends amateur astronomers in the field, including Fernando and Droy was our friend electronic wanderings, and although there were many people we parted a bit to chat. The setting was an open place which had arrived by car and then walk away, like a movie outdoors but did not see the screen.
All who accompanied us were prepared for the "movie" and we with them. We lay on the floor and began to look to the sky ... that was the screen ... now I knew.
Then began the show: Shooting stars began to arrive from all points of the compass. Ascended from the north, south, east and west converging to end just at the peak ... (Above all) what we think was the center of vision. The stars were very bright. As they ascended seemed to want to hit each other, and fighting to reach the center before the other, but just bounced off each other and then floated back as suspended between heaven and us. The brightness of these magnificent shooting stars was very intense and there were many white and blue. Occasional orange appeared but they were few.
At times he had accumulated many already in the central area over our eyes and the set reminded me of the Jewel Box open cluster in the Southern Cross. This is not visible to the naked eye so the vision of the movie star was the most fascinating and troubling.
Then something happens: the stars of the newly formed cluster of us begin to flash, as if "Tilila." Sparkled like diamonds live that revolved on themselves. I have no words to describe the emotions I felt, I only know that I felt a lump in the throat with emotion. In addition to being haunted by the spectacle of such a shower of stars (I never imagined seeing one of this way where they all go to the radiant and accumulate in groups) felt that something was going to happen any moment ... no, I had a hunch.
Then it happened: literally began to "rain" coming just crystal droplets of each of these new stars that were located about us. The eyes and mouth could not be more open.
You could tell they were perfectly transparent spheres (as drops) and falling as they do the drops of rain water, but in this case did much more slowly, allowing users to enjoy their structure and brightness. Some were bigger than others and the smoothness with which fell mesmerized us. It was curious to see them down gently, as it does not rain water .. and especially what fascinated us most was to see them leaving from the inside of each of the stars ... as if it will drain as an offering for us to show their magical content. We could see them from the moment that appeared to be closer to the ground. When
began to reach the ground the first "star drops of rain" all the way or were looking fortunate to have brushed we face, we touched the face. Do not know why but, then tried to catch it by hand but were looking only way to feel in the face ... We all bowed and smiled waiting for the chance to be hit by one. They are coming!

Then it happened, I could feel some in my cheek ... rainwater star ... remember to move your head looking for contact with them ... all possible ... and after the first drop I discovered something. NO wet
These drops did not seem to water as we know it, but looked more like a nectar of something similar to water but not wet.
was as if the skin contact instantly became stardust.
Who would not want to feel on your skin? End
Perhaps influenced by the Leonids, perhaps a way to look frustrated by the rain I can not remember ... perhaps the dream of seeing a meteorite fall ... who knows. What we do know is that this dream, like the others I've had astronomical, I produce incredible feelings I can not describe and wished that others might live ... although it is also in dreams. Mine are so real ... Writing them helps me remember vividly the feelings they bring .. and skies! what feelings ... I have to reread it again to live again. I wish we all could ye enter my ground to share and that you feel as I do (as in the movie Explorers) but since that is impossible ... I turn to this other option: to share my story in this blog.
I hope you liked it.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Wooden Trough Planter
the night of August 22, 2009 was so clear we could not miss the opportunity to take the field. We met a group of friends to go visit a new place of work, always good to have alternatives to find outside and above all ... look for clear skies. We start
Alcalá de Henares with Alfonso and Susan, we got to Alcolea del Pinar and from there we move into a region of the most beautiful. The arrival was very interesting, as we crossed some geologically interesting points. A gorge in the background is the church of the Duchy Padilla cut in half the mountain. Fields invited to float in Villarejo classmates waiting for us and within minutes we were already in the labor camp on a hill above the town (which I must say .. no anything upset us, we saw no light).

even mount equipment with light, the temperature was delicious, I took the opportunity to stop working the camera on tripod Timelapse mode to capture the idea of \u200b\u200bmounting equipment. Although here I missed the card and could only play a part.
You can see the video we take to AstronomadaFilms this out:
VIDEO August 22, 2009
Here we are in the task of assembly shame that I lost some photos but at least have been some souvenirs. You can see here the
TIMELAPSE I did tonight.

The night was spectacular, even shooting stars were falling Persian! what activity they have this year. The Milky Way crossed the zenith like a river of milk.

The night was great, despite the breeze that rose was wonderful for many things we learned much, made a delightful temperature, there was meeting of "unfolding" of double and blurred observation. I was already dawning
back to the east when suddenly drop a Halaaaaaaaaaa Fernando!! Manuel says it all yeah yeah ... I have also seen ...
a meteor on fire to "fall" literally on the background fields. Come on, surely due to the ground.
Why you never see the good place when it should?
Monday, August 24, 2009
Allsp Allsp All South Park?
weekend of 15 to 17 August were the Pinar de Araceli, Granada, housed in wooden huts at 1700m high.

this output did not drawings ... but with reference to the title of the blog if I can tell you that I came face to face .. Soul of the night.
been a long, long time since I enjoyed the skies so proud ... so studded with stars, so that cost Reconco some constellations and other that often go unnoticed were displayed as saying that if I am ehh!
Meter SQM-L gave the two nights a reading of 21.39 and the Milky Way at the zenith almost gave light to the ground! horizon crossing NE to SW torn infinite dark alleys dotted with black-eyed elf.

many lumps of stars ... few clouds of gas and dust ... at night so you do not may stand to observe with the telescope .. need to fill your eyes, cover everything.
During the night I could see dozens of Perseids, intense and dramatic, a few days ago had been the top and as the night wore Perseus rose to dominate in the NE.
The Moon and the Pleiades also looked out to join us, we were at the gates of dawn. We
many pictures room and night from the evening session as well as some videos of memory. I've uploaded all the Web Sky, you can access here:
I have called: 15 to 17 August 2009. Pinar de Araceli: paradise at 1700m
I hope you like. Leonor
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Play Give Birth Games
The meteor showers have always fascinated me.
Something as simple as lying in the night sky becomes a most rewarding activity. Do not carry telescopes to show you the wonders of the universe, only your eyes as a tool enough to enjoy this show. What's more, is the best way to enjoy it .. filling your eyes and heart ... trying to cover the whole sky ... waiting until a spark to tear the sky and flooded with light and color.
Perseids of 2009 have been spectacular! We went to Las
Inviernas with Alfonso, Susana, Eva and Alexander and a laugh us all together. Fernando and I
comentábamoss way back from Madrid: night, company and good times have been memorable. It was long since spent some Perseids so fabulous. We
about 22 hours at the esplanade family .. even the sky was not dark at all, but were seen shooting! Susana was the first in a brilliant catch. Since then stopped "falling" ... but of course, we were riding the "bed" of observation and cameras on tripods, and that kept us busy and occasionally the boys shouted !!!!!! hala Tómaaaaaaaaa!! in barely 10 minutes had already fallen a lot, how they felt they were the remains of the maximum.
I had fallen about 10 (some true racers very long) and while Alf and adjust cameras Fer other positions we take in! Observation bed! .. yeah .. pa chamber six packages! very comfortable and warm. Chas! chas! the shooting of the photos start and did not stop for several hours. I had a map on which I began to draw the trace of the brightest and took data on a template .. I had time to write down everything so I just recorded the most spectacular on paper .. Caian many, and while scoring continued to fall! therefore I could only record which gave me time as I watched, but there were many many. Nando I helped with the data, but of course we always miss one. We had chosen as the vision center region of the Swan, and many people watched from the corner of the eye and those not anotabamos.
sure cameras have caught some fleeting. Shortly after he left the Moon (which was when almost stopped seeing) ... chabi scored 25 records but left many without scoring so easy that it exceeds 80 meteors between 22:30 or so (local time) until the end of the Moon was about 00:30 (the glow was noticeable already before). Here I step
drawing I made of the brightest I caught fleeting and I had time to register.

Soon I'll upload the part with all entries of brightness, wake etc ...
And since we were in the countryside, with a pleasant temperature we decided that we were very comfortable and we are passing it with fear, saw the moon rise, some other meteor fell and continued to chat and taking photos. We took pictures of the group environment in the light of the moon .. Jart what to laugh! the moonlight and lanterns.

THE truth is that it has been great! for the next rain we have to think of a "round bed" pa divide up the sky and record all those who see it.
What gives us great moments ago, as you said Chet Raymo, the day comes with bread and fruit at night .. with nirvana and stardust .... and tonight ... has literally rained "Stardust" ...
More images here: #
Register (Party) of visual observation (template Somyce) in Astronomy: ACCESS HERE
Friday, August 7, 2009
Honeywell Rth2310 Installation Manual
catch up with everything, I will take time, I want to share with everyone China adventure ... HE
written a little story above ... and has already left me a sheet of care .. I hope you enjoy the stories, share a past time give much joy:
Although we returned from China a few days ago we could not write or na for being very busy, and the pictures have been organized, although I putting me gradually.
What I can tell ... still seems like a dream we have lived ... We were 5 people
completely free, so we only had the plane ticket, hotels and managed chosen from Madrid train ticket from Beijing to Shanghai (which we had a bit on edge because only gave a few days before use ...) and not knowing and how was the season or anything ... now .. so that like everything else .. went without a hitch. It is more .. each day was an exciting adventure. She wore a planing certain things we wished to visit, according to the order and as we felt like it was the day. Get up for breakfast and leave with a map in hand ... pa'alla today ... We can take the subway, or catch a taxi ... because the distances ... maaaaadre. The scale of it is tremendous. Sometimes we take a walk sections guiding us through the streets, and pipe it to us we spent trying to contact people. Some only had curiosity (and took pictures as you know) others wanted to practice English, and others because they were ashamed checker pattern ajajajajajaaj that if .. they laughed and did not stop looking at you. Each day was an adventure full of challenges and discoveries, find you the tricks for communicating with a taxi driver (because dad did not understand or inglis) UHO UHO we drove out waving his arm with the map telling you lies will not go that finds out what I want .. jajajajajaja Hala to stop someone who understands English to explain that we want to write for the driver on the map we want to go to the Main Astronomical Observatory ... what tummy laugh .. we said .. this is to shoot a documentary. Was the seller of "Artichoke", the peddler of puncture repair wheels, dark workshops, which cast a nap in the car, or play the files ...
The contrasts were amazing, Hutong alleys ... and above them towers of luxury hotels ... As you get closer to the center flipabamos. Tianannmen Square with the endless queue to see Mao ... The Forbidden City magic .. remembered the movie Last Emperor .. and we thought .. is that it does anything that has been opened to the public! .. Beihai Park ... and the White Pagoda ... lotus, Houhai Lake seemed Amsterdam by night .. what up!! ... and that smell ... where food had occasionally appeared ... pungent and nauseating ... Milks what would it be?
The Temple of Heaven, the SOHO and the CCTV building ... WITHOUT WORDS ... what amazing work! and Ritan Park .. the oldest in Beijing full of life and musical activities .. comets with a night light ... and the fair pagan sacrifices .. kitchens are even ....
main train station was disbelief, huge and stop people ... the sidewalks are overflowing with Chinese to catch his train ... access to the tracks were stairs .. imagine the maneuvers to lower packages around the world ... vaults were painted marks on the ground ... if you'd be put in that brand .. sound effect was quite a sight .... an ECO SUPER thundered you and let you almost deaf .. but only the ISOs you .. those outside they heard you talk normal.
The train ride was an adventure travel 1600 km .. listening to the rowdy Chinese did not sleep. We were in bunk beds until they had filled the aisles. We arrived to Jiaxing and was cleared, gave us hope. Often visited the village people .. major streets such as Gran Via were filled with loud music stores of all kinds, night lights and more lights ... and ... to fall from heaven. An electrical storm left us freaking out.
Nando and I were excited, the big day arrived and above .. in a few hours would contact colleagues Seville "on Chinese soil." Puntazo often.
I was awaiting the phone, I knew that there would be no problem to see us and get to your hotel at 25 km. Once we gather the joke was complete, enduring the rain, the good atmosphere we had .. faith that kept us there perched on the via ... coupled eclipse and the magnificence of your company ... the best combination!
when I saw a dark mass .. knew that it would give us time to protect .. so prepared with the Chinese gorrro ... deluge literally in seconds, the slippers to plop plop ...
What I can say about those times ... we were together was unforgettable .. There are photos, videos ... so far I've been given time is to prepare photos of the eclipse (the before, during and after) and I have adjusted to focus and set up a video. But then, as I say because I get to put the environment too .. and when I put out music .. but spare me and say .. audio and therefore I put pictures of the trip .. and finally I have scattered and left me a video of many megs (42 megs) ... I tried to upload to youtube but more than 10 minutes left and no other services at a low quality so I uploaded to megaupload so that you link to download it and enjoy it at the top of the photos with all the quality.
You can download it here: HE
uploaded links (rapidshare, megaupload and sendspace) if no limit of download you can see it.
If you do happen to see it as unlimited downloads you tell me, because it runs out of quota.
A photo of all:

umbrellas, Pepa eclipse glasses, the filter cups .... Chinese hats with the flag ... There are photos of the time of the Flood, and all under the umbrella ... Chinese visitors ...
I have not been able to digest all the photos in full, but when I go to the Picasso, a farewell
After his hotel bellman offered to take us to the bus station walk (3 min walk) helped us to buy tickets to Hangzhou (and thank goodness because there dad or English ...) and hope to reach ours. The public address system that warned of the arrival and departure was a scrawny Chinese stiff as he walked a half perched on the iron balls were lathes. While the notes to accounts came a curious and it was literally on top of wad of cash to count .. with his hands clasped behind his back as he gets bored and says that I look out to see who make these eye-egg. Jajajajajaja
The bus was the cane, tumbling as a career, behind that of snoring like a chainsaw and a China that gave us gab in English telling that would help us in Hangzhou. Upon arrival we took a "tail" to catch taxi ... and there begins the second part of the adventure. The village is quite a large city like Las Vegas ... and then the green zone .. a huge lake surrounded by nature paradise with boating routes. We made a night and a day ... What paradise.
went to see the entrance of the tide, like a car when ... the show was worth it, is like watching a tsunami come but controlled. I hope to soon make videos, is seen as the wave moves us beyond deafening. The quest to return to the hotel was fine. Once that just goes all quisqui ... and will also taxis.
to see back .. with 40 degrees and 99% humidity .. maaaadre. We stopped a taxi that had a very old china, which called another that was to be her husband threw the broncaza that he left us scared shitless ... and I had a sweet voice .. but yeah! like the boy crying because he escaped from making zigzag traffic and she did not know get to Hangzhou ... total, the two taxis to catch and we had to all the people around us watching the show. The tornado did not laugh came when Nando we wanted to go without giving the old water pump lever such NIKI .... the explosion of laughter from the Chinese was to record it.
Hangzhou is beautiful, no wonder that everyone who goes to Shanghai even those who live there want to get closer.
catch a "nearby" to go to Shanghai and from there by taxi to the hotel ... our stay in Shanghai was also amazing. The journey would end here. We stayed at the Pudong .. SWFC near, and near a shopping street amazing. We catch everything, even the mask wearing iridescent many cyclists, was a top supervisera you to the fronted for we have brought a pair! ehh jajajajajaja to prepare for the day that the sun does not give us a better view so the Fuzzy!!
Although we had purchased many things in the Silk Market in Beijing chop here as well ... was logical. The city is amazing, we saw the Jade Buddha Temple (which left us in awe of the size so sweet and "creamy ")..... then Yuyuan Park ... amazing neighborhood "Chino" the authentic old town and the ancient city wall ... Here are some markets selling fruit, vegetables and fish worth seeing ... scares and leaves you marveling at a time. Unpez you jump to your feet Nando, and all over the floor ... now see the photos. The Bund more impressed from the water. The psychedelic tunnel under water, Nanjing Road ... guauuu! just the green subway line 2 catches us at the door of the hotel and we could get off at the Pearl or Nanjing in two minutes! Skyscrapers ... the kana! in the Pearl hired two boat trips one day with bright sunshine and another at night before lights out of the city at 22h. We climbed to the top of the SWFC ... and use the bathrooms up with dashes futuristic drones to consumer tastes .... warm and decorated futuristic toilets .... juer! no photos no photos!
And the beer at the Cloud 9 ... if it is true that we feel at cloud nine! Tsintao some overlooking the Bund lit ... all dim and candles ... musiquita soft ... as we said: we take a Tsintao in Jinmao Sit ...
the end ... lasers catch him in the Yuyuan Park, where old houses pink catwalk ... what corner! ara .. Chinese tobacco packed! ISOs to piratillas approaching ... Leiser, Leiser ... Nando jajajajajaja and caught a crab battered and fried to lick your fingers. The next day we returned to the area and we entered markets with the typical "100 ... but there was "All to 2 yuan" ... freak out, was the section toys, shoes, sunglasses .... and of course .. chop over again, and one of empeladol golo .... ahh and bread stuffed with jelly-roll .... Jajajaj
What adventures you guys! There is much to tell you if one day I can try to write every effort not to forget or an anecdote.
But that will with time, which I've dropped here a care sheet if you have come to the end ... thank you! hurt me because Dedina jajajajjajaajj but I really enjoyed writing it and remembering the stories.
I hope you enjoy the video. If you have any problems in downloading it and tell me I look for another alternative. I hope to soon upload a selection of pictures to Picassa.
Greetings to all!! Leo
Monday, June 22, 2009
What Do You Write In A Card For A Baby
June 20, 2009
early to find a good area where to park the car. We walked down a road that is between Mazarambroz and Crow, a nice place among olive and almond trees.
20:00 pm (local) and we were
The fields are very dry but the environment in general is green with many trees around and the Montes de Toledo the substance gave a special charm to the landscape.
We planted on flat ground and clear but somewhat closer road which was somewhat annoying at first by the noise of passing cars, but then failed to pass.
field music was soothing: birds flitting sunset, the views of the giant thistles surprised like huge skyscrapers in the city ...
and some other weird bug like this with a bottle, seemed to be upright as if to walk upright.
occasionally looked a partridge or a rabbit hopping across the field, these were huge and they huddled in the shade of trees to cool off.
The sky was blue and cloudless, promising an enjoyable evening.
began to assemble the team, and while occasionally I peered into the binoculars to scan the horizon. Took the opportunity to poke reflex camera to the binoculars to see if I could pick one of the rabbits that had pointed out to my surprise, although they rounded vignetting.
With more zoom. Protruding ears.
After I moved over the horizon and there was something strange, like castle towers, caught my attention because in that area "there is nothing" just as field the map .. What could be the building? Again I have more pictures for an instant and discover what it is.
When we had the most prepared team we became some pictures while we waited for the Polar
at 22:45 local time we were at 27 º C
The time before the adjustment to the Polar
obscure, in fact all night did not get to see a completely dark sky fog that had, as a white background (maximum of 20.83 in the SQM-L). Until 3 am did not notice the dark sky, light pollution from nearby towns and you could see the dust and mist combines prevailing in the summer solstice ... we can say that we do not enjoy the best conditions, but hey, really wanted to go and we needed to take away the thorn of the last time we went out and we ran the team. Yo I had a pipe going through star fields with binoculars: Antares and M4, the galactic center, M24, M22, Trifid and Lagoon, Omega, Eagle ...
Here you can see the two drawings I did:
are made with graphite (HB and H) on white paper, looking through binoculars Vixen 12x80.
The first is a view of Antares, M4 and Rho Ophiuchi through Vixen 12x80 binoculars
haze was noticed around Antares and Rho as if they were connected.
The globular cluster M4 showed splendid but only as a dense ball of cotton, no detail. The night was not very good, the measurement of SQM for tonight did not go beyond 20.83.
4.2 °
The pictures we took to check up were varied and 20 minutes each.
When we saw that the computer worked as usual we are very happy, especially after the scare last time. We had set to work on the "this" so we took that little was Scorpio to finish and did some shooting with self-guided, worked perfectly.
Antares, the set Antares with animated M4 ... so we went to rho Ophiuchi and repeat ... but then, once completed and we had to go to another "target" not to reset the hemisphere. It was this or change the parameters in the Sky which entailed re-do the alignment star and not being deloeste night to shoot rockets almost prefer to stay in the east and take some shots at different points before picking up and leave. Tonight we were not looking quite a haul, there are still some things to learn from each output to take full advantage. We learned more and now we are more careful with certain parameters that were once largely not paying much attention, every day we are closer to complete this cycle and we are confident that very soon we will make some unforgettable photographs.
Test images always store them, are useless because they have no signal, with only a 20 minute making little object can be removed (more noise than anything else and especially the brand canon), but as often happens to me ... until these tests delude me. I remember the terrible images with bad track before and I think how I can miss those perhaps just a single shot! Tinkering with Photoshop and keep the results. Here you can see them:
Ophiuchus FIELD: WITH
is the more orange the asterisk southern V-shaped in the center.
Antares, M4 and NGC 6144.
nebulosity is seen around Antares, on the right The dark nebula OF "E" in the Eagle.
Rho Ophiuchi: blue clouds around the star .
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Kate Playground Streap On Pole
not know what the picture is astronomical but ... I've always said ... it gives me something very special ..
will be the moment, the environment, the fact .. not, but let my hands transcribe what my brain "sees" .. Drawing makes something of value unique. I will never repeat the same, never be two identical pictures .. is the moment .. the moment that gives it its uniqueness. Draw
the wonders of heaven involves a direct visual connection with the subject .. with galaxies, star .. we burn the atoms and the flow of energy ..
This reminds me the memory of a fragment of the "Soul of the Night" by Chet Raymo .. could not be another ... and although I have some personal adjustment in red ... had the following:
hundred generations of stars lived and died in the galaxy of the Milky Way before the sun was born, a hundred generations of stars that made the original hydrogen in the material of future planets. This morning as I watched the Ring Nebula and the Dumbbell, I saw how the Universe threw stuff like banknotes. This morning I saw two stars that made cents on the dollar, and dollars in securities with gilt edges. A carbon atom is a title that deserves to be owned, and the Ring and the Dumbbe ll they would broadcast as throwing confetti. Each atom of the Earth, except hydrogen and some helium was created in a hot stellar core or in the huge upheavals that accompanied the throes of a star. Every atom of carbon in graphite pencil that drawing bears a label which reads: "made in Taurus" or "made in Orion." The Universe is burning. Atoms out of stars and galaxies cross-ora are is dust in the nebula Horsehead in Orion, now in the crust of a new planet, just as the circulating currency changes hands. The atoms flow through the body of the butterfly and stop only briefly, in and out, with each breath. Every second, the entire EARTH surface becomes chrysalis and rearranges its shape. "The sun is new every day" is a phrase made by Heraclitus. Did he literally?. The Universe burns, sometimes on and other fading. Plunge your foot into the river and quemáoslo. Go back to the same river to burn the same foot, now is not the same river or the same foot ....
When I see a nebula or galaxy .. I know what I'm seeing is something unique .. that moment ... and I have the privilege of looking .. why take a pencil .. "Made in Orion" and let my hands find out about the paper. One night I look at Copernicus on the Moon and drawing ... the next day back to contemplate the crater ... and it is not the crater and I am the same ..
... do you understand now how much value does each picture??
The world is burning every second .. and we with it .. every moment is unique, each drawing is unique .. and its value ... INCALCULABLE.
When I meet friends who feel like me, who value the importance of records and drawings (and not only the artistic quality) gives me a lot joy ..
why I dedicate this post to all friends and colleagues have shown that I always shared that sentiment. Examples
I put two: Javier and Oscar and I take to put here your blogs to know them and enjoy their work. Javi
: Observing the Universe
Oscar: On the Edge of the Cosmos
hope you enjoy them ...
Meanwhile, with your permission, I will enjoy watching a little "burn" the stars ...

Friday, June 5, 2009
Can You Steam Pearl Barley

We are in the winter, the afternoon of Sunday 31 May and the moon is on top with a beautiful First Quarter.
While waiting for the night (or to "put out the upstairs" ... as you said our friend Maria Reyes ...) we decided to point the telescope at the lunar terminator. We had the FSQ106
ED that has a native focal 5f, as we had put to test extending tonight we had a focal length of 850mm. I put the eye
LE 7.5 billion (Field 27 ') and the vision was spectacular in spite of having even bright daylight. The photo below left is as natural to see the blue sky, the right is retouched with PS to contrast the details of which I want to talk and they were the cause of my drive ...

That impulse to which I could not resist me grab a notebook and a pen ... and began to draw Pegaditas the same eye. Nando took this photo I do not remember anything, I was completely absorbed:

First details of craters and accidents leading, then the middle to end blurring the background. According
painted this I came to my mind:
"Dawn at the gates of Mare Imbrium" ...
I see the Montes Alpes (right door) and Apenninus Montes (left) ... include the Valley of the Alps and Mons Piton with its delicate triangular part of which is a long black vertical shadow. Autolycus Aristillus and appeared to be very deep hole ... Archimedes and the edge ... looked like a silver sickle in the depths of the lunar night.
I went south to Ptolemaeus; enjoyed recreating my eyes on the lunar terminator. The great circus
Ptolomaeus was excellent, the high plateau was perfectly a convex bottom, with a gradient in the shadows showing its curvature. Delicate.
I see the shadows of the mountains projecting inside, as if a black running it were melted. The length of these varies rapidly as the sun rises, it seems that they flee to their origins.

Author: Ana Leonor Hernandez
Material: I used graphite pencils (H, HB, B, 3B) and smudge on white paper.
Telescope Takahashi FSQ 106ED + 1.6 extender. F 850 \u200b\u200bmm Takahashi LE Ocular
7.5 mm (Field 27 ')
Monday, April 27, 2009
Microgynon Diarrhea On Last Pill
in its purest ... and without any optical equipment or anything ... Who says you have to have a telescope to enjoy astronomy?
Me assault memory vivid memories of the time we did this drawing. Perhaps that part of the essence of the drawings: they make you relive something like it was yesterday, and the best, but the years go by you never forget and when you look at the picture you think you've done a few hours ago.
was the night of August 12, 1991, .... if, for almost 18 years.
had not yet 17 years and although I had already my Tasco 114mm (for a year) did not have independence to go out with him outside of Alcalá whenever I wanted (the driving experience came much later.) So I was very hungry to see him out of town. Except in certain instances in which organized trips to observe meteor showers and did not need to take. To enjoy the Perseids not need more than a pencil, a notebook and a recliner chair .. ah the desire not because the story is standard ..
acknowledge that always made me very happy that the "record everything that shines" ... Herschel would be very proud of me, also because the scientific value that a mark may have ... Although today we live ne era of go-to CCD and never leave without my notebook and my pencils, a good complement technology and a very effective way to keep my eyes and my qualities as an observer.
Now I will tell you about the picture.
On this occasion I could not leave with the group of astronomy so that encouraged my father to come with me and then I get out on the outskirts of Alcalá together. I took a sheet
DINa3 of me left over from a book of paintings and drawings that would be the constellations that night near Perseus with a black marker. Align the constellations with yellow stripes to differentiate good or not to confuse the stars. I tried to be faithful to the largest magnitudes, emphasizing red Perseus.
I put it on the seat tilted enough to see more horizon near the corner of his eye to the peak and further west ... much wanted to cover but in his day watching me Curre "asolateras" my father was quite exhausted from the gigs and that was holding up the one o'clock so I could do this by having him get up early ...
There I was in the recliner, just outside the Technical College with my red flashlight, the DINa3 and pencil. Every fleeting immediately saw the blade pierced trying to be as faithful as possible to start and end, noting if it was fixed line or wake, brightness flashing or zigzag ... I had to miss a lot but I was very happy with the amount of these views and noted. As already home the next day I went with him ... I marked the lines along with a rule to be well defined. And my surprise was that he had gotten that radiant tunnel! looked very well that the vast majority appeared to be from a particular place in the sky. Also appreciate the occasional ... is curious what these swarms or rain ... not cease to be a spectacle.
The observation started at 21:40 UT and ended at 1:00 UT, most strokes were fast and left visible.

Today I keep this picture as gold cloth. Ana Hernandez
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Naruto Eng Doujinshi Online
Night observation with Paco The Falcon Inviernas
April 23, 2009
After a busy day at school astronomy Leonor de Guzman in the Villa
afternoon, had a double fault accident that we are in the M
Departure before 20:00 and we left for the diversion of winter, avoiding the cross section of impact craters (now almost no) and we approach the road surrounded by trees. The sky was almost covered with whitish veil which indicated that the night would give almost anything to gain, but still decided to go ahead to enjoy the evening.
Once in the observation area Paco assemble the equipment and introduced us to Poli, a refractor with a great personality. Here is how it showed the milky sky.
As the sun set we see a beautiful sunset, the horizon seemed to be painted with gold.

Then we took some photos with the teams.

few minutes after sunset twilight show was on the rise: the milky clouds and veils were stained in various shades of pink, purple and vermilion, besides purple , blue, green and yellow. The hero was the color, so I left the line backlit oak that surrounded us.
The evening was closing and the clouds were gone, think that if stars did not appear and we would pick up dinner at Madrid. Total had to attempt escape, moments like in the countryside with friends is priceless. While putting out the sky and waited to the Polar
He was very dark so the quality has been dark, the next will be much more carefully worked
finally see a star! I can not believe, seems to want to open a little. Yes, it seems that sticks ... Sirius ... what moral.
After a while the desire seems to be compliant and yet believe them are beginning to come
After all the adjustment process of the team and get programs to start working. The enduring guiding star! I can not believe, with the fog out there. Come let's shoot a picture before it disappears and miss the only chance. Poli hear tells us that it is in the eye to the galaxy NGC4088 ...
The visual experience was interesting: From
had no hope of seeing her because of the conditions of the night I was surprised by the interesting developments. Poli is a spectacular Celestron 150mm refractor opening with a strong personality and offered to show us his all-terrain qualities, including challenging the diffuse clouds. It turns out that the higher you want to show you something else invites you to bow at his feet, and the balance is balanced and you walk away satisfied. He said "Look, here's the galaxy ... you look?" and I glad I went and leaned ... "what a beauty! Truth Poli .. leave me amazed. "
The galaxy was shown without any difficulty, ash-gray uniform, oval and without details on its structure. Showed no central condensation or anything, just a curvilinear and elongated as a gray oval. The first moment my brain receives the visual information. I have no eyes light adapted by the computer, so quietly break and I am studying the field around the galaxy. Little by little I'm enjoying the character and begin to identify details: have some areas lighter than others but does not clearly define. And then ... Haps! A flash of light fine assaulted me with a pin from the center. I keep thinking: I've seen with averted vision, I will not jump .. I have to check and be safe. Rodeo the galaxy clockwise and counterclockwise doing work at my sticks ... again! Yeah, now frequently jump! is not a point of continuous light but I am sure there is. When you teach the eye to see in that area more accurately detect and easier to realize that that beacon sends its faint light from the central regions of the galaxy intermittently. A little challenge for the eye in a bad viewing conditions: sky blotted by veils of high clouds and a vague and lazy retina protest because you can not be a Rolex and mushrooms.
And he is right. Both
Nando as Paco Falcon also passed the test and the results agreed, with averted vision is intermittent and weak supernova as a delicate pin.
The transparency of the night was very bad, in fact veil of high clouds came that partially covered the sky. The night was not a night for nothing less for picture but was to try to catch it before they come down and we lose brightness, weather forecast also giving to the weekend was very bad and we could not lose this last day. Yet we were lucky, the area around
2009dd Images of the supernova in the galaxy NGC4088 from
Equipment: Takahashi EM200 mount FSQ106Ed + Temma2, self-guided with EZG60 and QHY6. Canon 350D amended.
native configuration of the telescope in f5. Field obtained with the camera:
The fog kept very dull and cloudy sky, but could the illusion of trying to catch the supernova so we decided to shoot before we were. We have not taken any dark, flat or bias, so the image is pretty rough. The first photo was of 3 minutes and even out the signal was barely supernova in the galaxy so I fired a second shot to 20 min. Here since the Galaxy is well appreciated and colleagues who are around him.
This is taking 20 minutes : NGC4088 is at the center, next to NGC4085 and NGC4100 near the right side.
cropped and enlarged the detail of interest are:
can see the structure of the arms of NGC4088 addition to the supernova, which stands very near the core point of the galaxy. Also appreciate details of structures in the arms of different densities. This color cut is processed to make it more natural, offsetting the excess red camera.
While the sky looked like we wanted to give a pseudo-improvement truce took the opportunity to do some other photos. Poli was also working with the camera capturing some objects such as M13, M57 ... while we many other regions of Virgo, Hercules ...
A snapshot of M13 6 minutes to ISO400, no darks or flats, or bias.
A snapshot of the Markarian chain in 20 minutes Virgo to ISO400, no darks or flats, or bias. In the absence M84 family photo frame is not that we came into the picture. Not bad for the poor condition of the sky.

It was scratch, we began to feel numbness in the feet in the wet and cold: 65% humidity and the temperature dropped from +5 º to +3 º despite having about 15 degrees to the sun.
We had a hot chocolate milk and cookies to hold and really helped a lot.
About 1:30 am the clouds eventually cover the entire sky, were so thick that it could not even see the stars. So we were closing the camp and keep the teams to go.
Not bad, after seeing how he started the afternoon with high clouds so no imagined we could hold up this time, was not to shoot rockets far but we enjoyed a wonderful out with our friend Paco under a starry sky and foggy.