The meteor showers have always fascinated me.
Something as simple as lying in the night sky becomes a most rewarding activity. Do not carry telescopes to show you the wonders of the universe, only your eyes as a tool enough to enjoy this show. What's more, is the best way to enjoy it .. filling your eyes and heart ... trying to cover the whole sky ... waiting until a spark to tear the sky and flooded with light and color.
Perseids of 2009 have been spectacular! We went to Las
Inviernas with Alfonso, Susana, Eva and Alexander and a laugh us all together. Fernando and I
comentábamoss way back from Madrid: night, company and good times have been memorable. It was long since spent some Perseids so fabulous. We
about 22 hours at the esplanade family .. even the sky was not dark at all, but were seen shooting! Susana was the first in a brilliant catch. Since then stopped "falling" ... but of course, we were riding the "bed" of observation and cameras on tripods, and that kept us busy and occasionally the boys shouted !!!!!! hala Tómaaaaaaaaa!! in barely 10 minutes had already fallen a lot, how they felt they were the remains of the maximum.
I had fallen about 10 (some true racers very long) and while Alf and adjust cameras Fer other positions we take in! Observation bed! .. yeah .. pa chamber six packages! very comfortable and warm. Chas! chas! the shooting of the photos start and did not stop for several hours. I had a map on which I began to draw the trace of the brightest and took data on a template .. I had time to write down everything so I just recorded the most spectacular on paper .. Caian many, and while scoring continued to fall! therefore I could only record which gave me time as I watched, but there were many many. Nando I helped with the data, but of course we always miss one. We had chosen as the vision center region of the Swan, and many people watched from the corner of the eye and those not anotabamos.
sure cameras have caught some fleeting. Shortly after he left the Moon (which was when almost stopped seeing) ... chabi scored 25 records but left many without scoring so easy that it exceeds 80 meteors between 22:30 or so (local time) until the end of the Moon was about 00:30 (the glow was noticeable already before). Here I step
drawing I made of the brightest I caught fleeting and I had time to register.

Soon I'll upload the part with all entries of brightness, wake etc ...
And since we were in the countryside, with a pleasant temperature we decided that we were very comfortable and we are passing it with fear, saw the moon rise, some other meteor fell and continued to chat and taking photos. We took pictures of the group environment in the light of the moon .. Jart what to laugh! the moonlight and lanterns.

THE truth is that it has been great! for the next rain we have to think of a "round bed" pa divide up the sky and record all those who see it.
What gives us great moments ago, as you said Chet Raymo, the day comes with bread and fruit at night .. with nirvana and stardust .... and tonight ... has literally rained "Stardust" ...
More images here: #
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