not know what the picture is astronomical but ... I've always said ... it gives me something very special ..
will be the moment, the environment, the fact .. not, but let my hands transcribe what my brain "sees" .. Drawing makes something of value unique. I will never repeat the same, never be two identical pictures .. is the moment .. the moment that gives it its uniqueness. Draw
the wonders of heaven involves a direct visual connection with the subject .. with galaxies, star .. we burn the atoms and the flow of energy ..
This reminds me the memory of a fragment of the "Soul of the Night" by Chet Raymo .. could not be another ... and although I have some personal adjustment in red ... had the following:
hundred generations of stars lived and died in the galaxy of the Milky Way before the sun was born, a hundred generations of stars that made the original hydrogen in the material of future planets. This morning as I watched the Ring Nebula and the Dumbbell, I saw how the Universe threw stuff like banknotes. This morning I saw two stars that made cents on the dollar, and dollars in securities with gilt edges. A carbon atom is a title that deserves to be owned, and the Ring and the Dumbbe ll they would broadcast as throwing confetti. Each atom of the Earth, except hydrogen and some helium was created in a hot stellar core or in the huge upheavals that accompanied the throes of a star. Every atom of carbon in graphite pencil that drawing bears a label which reads: "made in Taurus" or "made in Orion." The Universe is burning. Atoms out of stars and galaxies cross-ora are is dust in the nebula Horsehead in Orion, now in the crust of a new planet, just as the circulating currency changes hands. The atoms flow through the body of the butterfly and stop only briefly, in and out, with each breath. Every second, the entire EARTH surface becomes chrysalis and rearranges its shape. "The sun is new every day" is a phrase made by Heraclitus. Did he literally?. The Universe burns, sometimes on and other fading. Plunge your foot into the river and quemáoslo. Go back to the same river to burn the same foot, now is not the same river or the same foot ....
When I see a nebula or galaxy .. I know what I'm seeing is something unique .. that moment ... and I have the privilege of looking .. why take a pencil .. "Made in Orion" and let my hands find out about the paper. One night I look at Copernicus on the Moon and drawing ... the next day back to contemplate the crater ... and it is not the crater and I am the same ..
... do you understand now how much value does each picture??
The world is burning every second .. and we with it .. every moment is unique, each drawing is unique .. and its value ... INCALCULABLE.
When I meet friends who feel like me, who value the importance of records and drawings (and not only the artistic quality) gives me a lot joy ..
why I dedicate this post to all friends and colleagues have shown that I always shared that sentiment. Examples
I put two: Javier and Oscar and I take to put here your blogs to know them and enjoy their work. Javi
: Observing the Universe
Oscar: On the Edge of the Cosmos
hope you enjoy them ...
Meanwhile, with your permission, I will enjoy watching a little "burn" the stars ...

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