Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bible Black Episodes Mobile

pasta! Need

I did not think that would be so easy to get money so fast! And more, without selling anything! I just said it out loud and clear, the same word twice and hang! I've fixed everything: D want to know what that magic word that made me happy today? Here goes:

JAJAJA! Yes, folks, fortunately entry above, has been a practical joke on my part: D I thought that nobody was going to bite ... or at least not as many party xDD I like your ass either haha! What sientoooo! xDD You have been a few, I have given "encouragement and support, and many others that I have written the email, telling alternatives, so I would not get rid of my treasures haha! Sorry! This joke was very flojilla had in mind a few more twisted ... in the end I have not had time to implement them ... but anyway ... I hope you all had a good April Fool's Day: DD

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Before closing the post, I leave you with a short trailer as super long, where you shall know the "murderer of the spoon" xDDDDD Very funny, I recommend that you see him (this in English but you can turn on subtitles)


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