Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Trojan Condom Sizes Blue

The loss of my dog, has left me very touched. It was losing a family member. Has left a great void in my life, I guess over time will ease a bit ... However, Toby did not want to look like that, he would not want to see me sad, and with a lick or tail movement would bring me a smile. It is with this memory with I want to stay. These things inevitably happen and you are too unpleasant to the more bitter for it ...

Right now, focus on drawing a lot helping me cope with everything. So I have given almost two years after the first in get involved again in this mess:

A person who tends to happen around here, it will be alluded . This Speed \u200b\u200bPainting, being more special, because it is dedicated: D I look forward to teach it, if all goes well, next week or next will be ready ^ ^

Thanks to all to you last week you passed by here to leave your words of support and encouragement. Comforted me much, D


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