Night of 10 to 11 July 2010 (Saturday)
Even with the fatigue of the previous night the body I can not stop thinking about everything I could observe with the telescope, and that the night would not even good. Today gave completely clear skies and clean of dust. I reviewed the objects
signed up and thought about new candidates.
The night was so wonderful that I spent some time taking pictures of large field Fernando put the Samyang while about the team photo and Paco aligned the mount, that although he gave some war finally got under control. 23h
A good upright Scorpio was ready to cross the meridian and give way to autumn constellations. The sky was incredible. The Milky Way could be seen at dusk with ease.
Venus, Mars and Saturn were in the west line, closest to the horizon was Venus who was just above Regulus, after Mars with its orange color and more separated Saturn, I could not help peeking before they go down more. To the right of assembly was Ursa Major, totally vertical, with Alkaid in style. I directed the telescope
M51. What is always splendid galaxy! With little s increases is very bright and appreciate both galaxies with no problem. With further increases to fill the field reaches the eyepiece (8mm) and are both galaxies and the bridge that joins them. As the Hercules area was too close to the peak I chose to enjoy the most comfortable regions of the galactic center. I went to M4 again now that it was still high to enjoy the "Wall" again. As magnificent as I remembered. Contemplating globular clusters this telescope is indescribable.
I stopped to look back across the sky, was rabidly curd and the Milky Way stars so bright to dark alleys drawings and profiles every corner in detail. What a sight! I was captivated watching the bent neck. To the east loomed as part of Pegasus: a triangle of stars formed by Matar, Sadala Scheat and Bari. I was so obscure that part of the sky that I did not think, I aimed to kill.
Great Galaxy NGC7331 Pegasus and NGC7335, NGC7337 and NGC7340
This star is superb as an indicator to locate the galaxy NGC 7331 and Stephan's Quintet. Through finder this star, along with three others, forms a curious-shaped asterism "Y" is a guide to find the way to NGC 7331. One of the two short branches of the "Y" is longer than the other, follow the path based on that leg and a line extending more than about 4 ° from Killing (from the star indicated above, HIP112032).
This is one of the galaxies discovered by William Herschel, it is curious that Messier did not include in its catalog, despite being very bright. Once located and placed the eye centered 8mm. There was emphasizing with its brilliant nucleus and its huge body large spindle-shaped elongated. By focusing on his body I noticed that the warning button "sticks work and sent the information" was on. On one side of the galaxy were some scattered rounded spots between some field stars. These "spots" were clearly visible, at least two of them without effort, a third was evident with averted vision and was as large as the others. Curiously, the visual impact of NGC7331 at first ate all the attention but precisely because of its massive structure and its brightness will capture attention in a way that lets you work without wanting poles: that's when these tiny galaxies jump to view. Perhaps if they were in a region poorest and isolated would be more difficult to locate and highlight.
According to the catalog, are NGC 7335 (visual magnitude 13.6), NGC 7337 (visual magnitude 14.6) and NGC 7340 (visual magnitude 13.9). In the field was also NGC 7336 but it was almost stellar appearance (it was very small) was probably one of the stars that I interpreted as such. Never before had seen, was one of the surprises of the night.
Stephane Quintet.
Search this famous group of galaxies is very easy on the basis of NGC 7331.
If we have the great galaxy in the center of the field and smaller satellites above on your right (as is shown in the eye) will see that the body of NGC 7331 is almost vertical. Parts of the galaxy along its vertical axis up about 30 'to find an isosceles triangle of stars mag 10 and 11. To the left of this triangle (we moved about 20 'of arc) appears an open ring of stars (like the constellation of Hercules) and inside find a crowded oval nebulosity. Stephan's Quintet.
the absence of a large galaxy that captures our attention so that our staffs are caught early they are very dull at first, discrete and costs against the contrasting background but once they are detected perfectly. I watched with the eye of 8mm. This is the first time I see them easily, at least four of them nebulosity, NGC 7319, NGC 7320 and NGC 7318 A and B (these two actually seem one of the boards that are.) In NGC 7317 nebulosity not appreciate, at magnitude 14 was almost as punctual as a star. NGC 7320C is much more separated from the whole trail and I did not appreciate it, if you consider the whole would be the sixth component and no longer the "Quintet." I'm really excited with this observation many emotions in so little time! Jupiter
loomed the majestic planet and above the horizon at 2 am. A quick look at his record with the 15mm eyepiece showed the only visible equatorial band and its four satellites arranged in a curious way: they were all on one side and instead lined up two of them had a vertical, one above the other. Was too low to see details so I continued with the deep sky.
Barnard 72. Snake Nebula
I've always wanted to see this as elusive nebula in the constellation Ophiuchus.
is a very dense region of dark dust with a clear way "S" that stands out against the starry background.
requires good sky conditions and the more opening better because it is relatively thin, with many stars of camp costs differentiate. Is part of the dark clouds that form the "Dark Horse Nebula" (very long and visible to the naked eye), in particular is also called the "Pipe Nebula." The area of \u200b\u200blocation was rather low and a little light pollution affected (small but located in the area). I pointed to the 40mm eyepiece and after being walking the field and make several passes to the field clock cycle to detect the subtle silhouette got in a "S" was weak and proven, but there it was. I loved knowing that you can see and I'd like to try again, although that is down from the peninsula at this time the only area of \u200b\u200bCL was just there so hopefully we can contrast it more.
Barnard 86. Ink Spot (Ink Spot)
contemplate the dark regions of Ophiuchus and Sagittarius is a sight to behold. Especially with the low magnification eyepiece is displayed with many dark spots, along with the background stars, catch and captivate you. I pointed to gamma
Sagittarius (Alnasl), the peak of the kettle where it exits the "smoke" which is the galactic center. To the north are the star W Sagittarii (As-1 approx. Alnasl), we take another leap north identical (based on W) and find another bright star reference. We have been two breaks each approximately 1 º north. Is one more to reach the yellow star next to B86. As we reach this star easily recognize it because it is near the star cluster NGC 6520 stands out pretty well knotted together with its components. The spot is right between the two objects is tiny but intense black color, hence its name. Pongo
further increases (8mm) and focus on the primary star is a yellow incredibly beautiful, strong as citrine quartz, the wealth that accompanies it is a bluish-white tone is very rich in components. The stain is a deep black and seems to float in front of a star background light as dust. Is triangular with the apex pointing down (as I see with the eye). The set is spectacular, impossible not to see it stop.
Barnard 289, NGC 6528, NGC 6522 and Alnasl region (gamma)
Alnasl I decide to go back to study an area that had struck me to try to find B86. With the wide field eyepiece and focused again on Gamma Sagittarii locate the two globular clusters that lie next to her, and that he had put aside to spend north. W Sagittarii reached again in the eye now had Alnasl up the image, the two globular clusters to the left and W Sagittarii in the bottom of the image.
Something had struck the area, a parallel dark regions tore the sky like black wounds and wanted to see them well. There were again, were so real and intense. Were many and seemed to come from the star, "W". It's easy to find plenty Barnard in the area (B289) but of all those identified in my atlas (I used the Millennium for small areas where they appear the most brilliant and contrasting) this particular one did not appear. As I wrote the lines "Blacks" were very marked and visible and leaving the star "W" in the direction of Scorpio as separate lines. The more intense parts of the eye filled the field (a degree or so) and spread beyond. In Barnard's Photographic Atlas is not listed, so perhaps they are thin compared to the large regions known, but there were stretch marks, like the ribs of a half-open range. He left me fascinated by this region and the ease with which I could see these details. Rest
a rare sight at the skies in all its glory. Barnard Regions I have always liked a lot and there are many scattered throughout the galaxy ... I was going
sight to the star cloud M24, at first sight was a huge blob of light embedded in the bright zone of our galaxy. I remembered that inside the cloud are some interesting and as Barnard is an extensive subject decided to approach the binoculars for a look.
Barnard 93, 92 and 304 in the M24 star cloud.
is very easy to get there. Nothing else to point to the obvious tag B92, the darkest of all. It is very intense and rounded, known as the "Black Hole" and is near the center of the cloud. Beside her (right) is also B93, slightly smaller and elongated vertically but also recognizable by their "blackness."
Since B92 can see a dark area that extends down and just dividing the cloud into two distinct but less intense ways: it is B304. Focus turned to leave the two black clouds (92 and 93) for the contemplated Paco without difficulty. Both regions share leadership in the field of binoculars, then realized that B92 extended and followed the path of darkness coming down and more focused bottom left near the top B93: B304 came with its two branches. I called to confirm that looked both ways and that it appeared the form of a man with B92 and B304 as the head and legs. I said, "and I do, reminds me of Tony Manero dancing "... with the famous pose by raising one arm ... do not you see? We laughed a lot, really. I recognize that the visit has been very rewarding M24, these Barnard is very well appreciate low magnification and with these binoculars have hallucinated.
M20, Trifid Nebula (NGC 6514)
I returned to the telescope and pointed it at the nebula before it began to fall too low. The well focused in the eye and pointed directly at the 8mm eyepiece to see what surprises I did and I think what surprised me. It filled the field with his presence and had to scroll to see part of the cloud and accompanying did not enter the field (the part that goes blue in the photos). This appeared after crossing a dark bay like a river wide. Black channels that give the tag name round and break it in three lobes were seen in such detail that it seemed impossible. This is the Trifid and photos out of a very intense pinkish hue, the other part of the cloud (blue) is separated by a "bay" of darkness more subtle but clearly visible and contains a very luminous star within. This bay is slightly curved convex from the perspective with which the eye appeared, leaving on her Trifid structure above. I made a sketch ski telescope showing the undulations of the two clouds separated by the bay and the pipes of a dead black inside the Trifid it was immediately above.
But the most spectacular were the black structures inside the main. Began a vertical groove, short and wide, which quickly split into two new channels on both sides descended. A bent sharply right and down as it widened and appeared together with a multitude of stars to end rising again, but here already lost and blurred. In the same place folded located the majority of stars brighter, especially the two of them dominating the right lobe was immediately above. The channel was diverted to the left down too inclined, this is the strongest showing of all the black furrows of the image. Interestingly he had two bulging structures that stood out and went into the left lobe, and two mounds. Immediately after this the channel is again branched into two branches also black, a deviated almost horizontally to the left and one down vertically but quickly disappeared as a dead end, being thus defined the lower lobe with a few stars inside . This lobe was the largest. I kept looking at M20 but I saw more detail than you could write and record, and I thought for certain descriptions would be better to bring a tape recorder. Rest the view looking back to infinity. Many feelings! After a while I returned to the load. Sagittarius
saw was already very low and looked to the East to switch to another object. The Andromeda Galaxy strongly emphasized in the sky with the naked eye. I remembered that the area is fascinating and a galaxy might be interesting to take a look, perhaps one of the best views of song spirals: NGC 891.
NGC 891 (Caldwell 23)
I approach Almach
(gamma Andromeda) the star at the far left of the constellation near Perseus. From her I'm going in the direction of M34 (called Spiral Cluster) and estimated the distance between the star and the cluster on the form. Halfway exactly is the galaxy (approximately 3 º 30 arc minutes).
With the 40mm eyepiece and can be seen long and weak, but no doubt at all about your situation. The center well and pass directly to the eyepiece of 8mm. Awesome! Occupies the entire visual field. I have no words to describe emotions watching this galaxy. There were details that left me speechless, as the large dark band that started by Ecuador, could see no need to intuit almost indirectly, albeit with greatly improved this technique and helped to see clumps within the dark region. Its spindle shape was perfect, slim, with the core slightly wider while as you near the end they gradually became thinner and narrower until it disappears. The dark band of dust almost crossed from side to side. There were two stars in the field that caught my attention: one side stood below the line of dust and the other was at the opposite end and seemed to mark the end of the dark band, as immersed in it. What a blast! I missed several exclamations could not be contained within even remembering it gives me goosebumps. And I find it so hard not to thrill to such beauty ... it's so bad that sometimes feel almost want to mourn, may seem exaggerated to try to describe it but it's a similar feeling of happiness just that intense. So smile, breathe deeply and look into infinity ... trying to see clearly the stars through the avalanche of water that reaches the eyes ... I like both ...
Astronomy Paco called me to see a double star that likes much and that is about to hide behind the western horizon: 95 Herculis .
is a binary system whose components orbit each other with a period of more than 11,000 years and visually separated 6.3 seconds of arc (wikipedia). With the 8mm eyepiece telescope Paco (Magda) were separated perfectly with a bright blue and light gold.
Then came the turn of NGC6765, a planetary nebula in Lyra Paco proposed to observe. I looked to the maps, the field was easy to spot: halfway between Albireo and Sulafat (Gamma Lyra). But we detect no trace of nebulosity evident only many field stars. With averted vision I seemed to detect a small spot without form but very weak from a rich field stars. I is difficult to describe what I saw because it was too small and amorphous.
observe the planet Uranus , which was already quite high and very near Jupiter, the two were separated two degrees and a half. With Magda looked a beautiful aqua blue color wheel. I went to Dobson to aim the idea and saw Jupiter was the same height as the Triangle ... stared at me and shot me a quick thought: M33. I could not resist, the galaxies are a weakness.
M33. Triangulum Galaxy
slipped the telescope until I saw the blur and large appear in the search. It looked with amazing clarity to the wide and weak that is, we go that I had no doubts and pointed it directly. With the 40mm eyepiece first highlighted the core, bright enough and had a somewhat elongated. The next thing that stood out were the two arms, leaving the core and two arches curved in opposite directions. The image was spectacular, I had never looked so good. Inside one of the arches and towards its end stood out as a bright blob NGC604.
is the region of star formation (HII region) of the galaxy's most famous and easily appreciated as a condensation in the cloud, quite intense. I went to the eyepiece of 8mm and could not whole. The core emphasized much in the field as well as the two main arms. Near the nucleus and to the side had a very bright star, some accompanied it more but less intense. To the other side of the core had a triad of stars aligned the same way as the Belt of Orion, each had a similar brightness. In line with these three other stars were in a triangular formation but not aligned. The more I noticed the image field stars appearing in the body of the galaxy, so it was difficult to count, not only near the nucleus, but scattered by the arms and between them. In line
the arm from where it is located above the HII region (NGC 604) and traveling thence to the interior of the galaxy highlights another star-birth region visible but smaller: NGC 595. Is less striking than NGC 604, but tell it with averted vision. If this arm include these two HII regions in the other arm I find somewhat surprising. Although the arm is very extensive, which makes it part of the curve has a higher concentration of cloud, as if here was more dense and the galaxy light does not shine as NGC604 but is larger and more extensive the area. This region is IC rated with various numbers, namely I saw the area corresponds to the arm regions IC 137, 139 and 140 .
At this hour of the night was pretty tired but still so excited that I would love to look, all showed so much detail that would have spent hours looking, but I stopped to rest and enjoyed the view with me had in mind and in the notes.
The night went very quickly and astronomical twilight began to dawn on the horizon. I was really enjoying the night but the truth is that fatigue and passed bill. Glancing at Mirach Ghost (NGC 404) with ocular 8mm. This soft and slippery lenticular galaxy is so close to the star of the same name (apparently) that is hidden by its brightness. Mirach is the second brightest star in the constellation Andromeda galaxy and see the need to move the star of the image field of view by pulling just enough for her to appear. Is clearly visible and diffuse oval shape, but showed an increase in inward brightness (gradient) to almost a stellar aspect.
also points to the galaxy NGC 253 in Cetus . With the 40mm eyepiece it looked perfect as yet small and spindle with 8mm will appreciate its beautiful structure as well as numerous field stars. The sky dawned and did not want to miss objects. The Swan had crossed the meridian for some time and we did not dismiss the deep sky without a trace to The Veils. I pointed to the Velo
West, the Witches' Broom, as always very beautiful and special. One part shows two thin parallel lines and intense than just crossing over itself. After the Veil This aim to see the area full of bars but it was hard to see them in such detail, you could see a continuum. We stopped at this point. The sky was taking the deep blue dawn that I like, Capella towered over the skyline next to the Pleiades. Jupiter was so loud and so bright that we take a last out with both teams before starting to collect. We were approaching 6 in the morning. Jupiter
first thing stands out is "the Equatorial Banda, beginning to walk the hard enjoying the shade and looking for internal structures. The only equatorial band is very intense, curiously is not linear but is "swimming" as if the edge is not uniform and had drawn a hand with little pulse. The first detail is not bad. I continued enjoying the view. Within the equatorial band showed two white ovals, well defined and highlighted in the lower limit thereof (adjacent to the tropics). These ovals below the planet showed multiple thin parallel bands of a neutral brown tone to the polar region. Returning to the equatorial band, as I said it was somewhat irregular, especially at the top which is close to Ecuador. It is as if some parts of it would rip shreds peeling, to use a simile would say it's like when you draw the splashing waves but more soft. Its color is the most highlighted with a very reddish tone, perhaps by contrast as above it opens an empty region now almost clear white (before it was located here the other equatorial band). Above this area so clear, beyond the region tropical and near the other pole, begins a region of a light brown uniform, parallel bands here do not appreciate as in the vicinity of the pole.
And with that, and I decided to park the telescope and rest to get to pick the team. Not without delight in silence contemplating the twilight, announcing the arrival of the Sun and the new day. The Big Dipper Septentrion while bathed in a thin crescent moon peered timidly with impressive brightness Aldebaran which announced the arrival of Orion. But the light of day before and finally reached the stars slowly faded away ... then I heard a voice inside me: "see you soon ..." So I said goodbye to the sky in the hope of meeting him again.
store equipment in cars leaving it ready for the return trip.
This night I slept deeply.
Ana Leonor Hernandez.
activities for the day were also heavy, if you survived it and you want to know more about those mountains, nature and people do not miss the NEWS DAY I uploaded astronomers (access the link ), there are many photos and stories of our experiences in general.
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