circular templates are important because they represent the boundaries of the field seen through the eyepiece. The creation of templates can done in a home with a compass, although this method left a hole in the center of the circle:

The result is better with prefabricated templates that can be purchased at stationery:

diameter circle is very important because what we see is not drawn well (not to scale) when it is too big or too small. In my experience the best result I obtained by drawing on templates
Templates can be restricted to a circle in a notebook (or page) or be part of a work sheet. This would be located within an area that would include various data related to the observation (telescope, area ...)
There are many models worksheet, here are some examples:

details in order to draw atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn there are those who prefer to use a specific template for this task, so you can capture specific details and direct-disc set. For Saturn, there are different templates based on the inclination of the ring.
When the object is too large to fit on the eyepiece can make as many circles as you want to "extend" the drawing. Fill in the first circle and move the telescope in order to complete the picture in its entirety.

In any case we can extend outside the circle if you do not want more than one (main). It's pure aesthetics.

are also very useful for drawing circles multiple objects moving rapidly with respect to background stars, such as asteroids and comets, and have several pictures on one to see path.
And with that I do not dwell over the next tutorial will focus on drawing tools.
I hope you like this is helpful.
Ana Leonor Hernandez.
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