In the drawing there is no rule about what to use because there are so many variants that are left the choice of each. Depends on the artistic taste and personal style, and some prefer to paint in oils, others with graphite, some with china ink combined with pencil, charcoal .... It is best that you find out what you like best and what tools you feel most comfortable. To mention some examples can choose from:
- Coal pressing or charcoal pencils
- China Ink
- white and colored chalk
- Watercolor
- Oil
- Others ... There
cases sufficiently complete to begin testing various techniques, such as this which includes coal pressed and charcoal pencils, pens, several compounds, blend to give effect, rubber malleable and raw coal.

In any case we can buy the tools and parts to start small, such as pencils and erasers, crayons and blur. If already you have the better.
start talking about:
These are usually sold individually or in groups. The interesting thing about them is that they are of different hardness, and this quality makes them useful for different functions. Therefore we must take account of this peculiarity to know what to buy.

There is a simple way to tell if a pencil is very hard (with thin and clear) or soft (thick dark line) for the numbering and the letter is inscribed on its top.

Thus the letter H are indicated with the hard and the soft point B. The HB is the standard. The numbering gives a scale of how hard or soft that is, here I show some examples:

Set as black intensity varies as we move from H to B. The hardest as the 5H are extremely thin and sharp at the paper make a blade. The amount depends on the manufacturer graduation: Koh-I-noor offers twenty rankings, Staedtler nineteen ... Another method developed by Conte uses numbers to mark the graduation of a pencil:
There are many brands and different prices but that depends on each one, what is important is that we have variety of hardnesses to work well in the drawing. We will see later What hardness are preferable as the sky object selected.
not rule out the holders, a slim always ready to make small, sharp stars in the background, while the pencil drawing RIEF have to tip to get the same effect when you go wearing.
Examples graphite drawings made by the author:
Another tool is drawing widespread charcoal, and used as charcoal or pencil PRESSED CARBON . There are also CHARCOAL PENCILS.
pressed carbon is in the form of rods or rectangular.
is delicate to handle and unstable (and slick enough), so it must be handled with care without touching by hand drawing. The charcoal will be in the hand poking out just the part with which we strokes. This position will define the stroke. There are several free tutorials on the internet very interesting if you are interested.
charcoal pencils are just like an ordinary pen and used much and is very comfortable and cleaner. You may also be in paper or plastic wrap.

charcoal drawing made by Erika Rix:
white chalk
White Chalk is the rod or pencil used to enhance targets in a charcoal drawing on paper or colored chalk. They are also well known and are also sensitive as charcoal pencils.
If you like drawing on a dark background the white chalk is a very grateful.
are manipulated by hand or with a chalk holder to prevent staining.
are also useful as red color, which can draw pictures of solar prominences and discs Halfa.
chalk drawings made by R. Handy and E. Rix:
India ink is widely used to provide dramatic contrasts to the pictures that have heavy shade, as in the craters and mountains of the moon
The effect is very realistic and spectacular. Here are some examples of R. Handy and J. Thibault:

As you can see the variety of styles is very large and could continue to bore you, well, this can never boring, but it is best to think what you fancy and start there. Oil, pastel, ink, graphite, charcoal, watercolor ... until, like this beautiful picture of Mars L. Weine.
blurred and
The tools used to achieve blur and blend the tones are called stump and the chamois. The result he offers is similar to that achieved by rubbing your finger over the paint but as you can imagine is much better, more accomplished. Besides the stump are sold in various thicknesses for application to small areas or large as needed.
The chamois can be leather (chamois, very tanned) or a fabric-like qualities to this skin that is used to clean and is very thin and flexible. Is used to mix colors and clean the excess paint in the form of dust nuisance (which could also ruin the picture), is made with great care, not just rub for not extending the tone.
Typical blade model sold in packages of various and whose best known brand is X-acto.
serve for many things, from cutting and sharpening the tip of the stump when they are very stained up to cut the eraser to get sharp edges on them and to remove fine lines or small areas.
With the sandpaper sharpening get everything you need, including stump once we have cleaned the trimming. The photo show the grit that is used most commonly in drawing, it is placed on a support for better handling.
There are many models, qualities, and can in principle could be worth but basically I recommend the Staedtler
eraser is a texture of clay to which you can shape with your fingers as you care about, and get to mold with tapered shapes or wedge and remove specific areas. It often knead after erasing charcoal and dissolve the remains in the tire and will last much longer.
These are thin metal pieces that have multiple openings of different sizes and you can erase small details of a picture without touching the rest of the paper.
To delete a thin line within a galactic cloud with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating for example the dark disk of M104 or to make details in the arms of the galaxy (which by passing negative are dark areas) this tool is really useful. We ensure that only clear what we want to protect the rest of the picture.
And now the end of the tutorial on tools drawing and basic astronomy. Internet gossiping discover many more things that are interesting but I think with everything I have told you you have more than enough material to start and enjoy this adventure.
I hope you have helped with this information, both to novices who start out as frontrunners. Whatever ye ask not hesitate to write to , I'll be happy to answer you.
And why not ... I'm slowly learning ... so that everyone would love to know more about useful tool let me know to expand and improve the tutorial ... so that together we slowly give back to the drawing astronomical rightful place. And best of all ... we will be better observers of the heavens.
And as they say ... if you've got here is that you like, thank you very much for reading! Good heavens
Ana Leonor Hernandez