Saturday, January 23, 2010

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum No Cd

Experiencing the Magellanic Clouds Longing for Urania

I recently read an email in Visual Astronomy group in which a companion was wondering "what I could go through the head to Southern Hemisphere observers when contemplating the Magellanic Clouds "... says:" Something is going through your head ... something has to tell "... and not over how Through a telescope or other emotions .. but what you produce what you think ?....

And then I thought about the experience so special that I experienced diametrically opposed and I said why not, I will share it. ....

... This was what I said:

many times have we done something as simple as sitting down to the simple contemplation relaxing view of the sky. Sometimes on a rock other on a ledge, leaning on the hood of the car ... or lying on the ground ...

I make an emotion that rises up right now ... because I reached the depths .. close to that corner we have many, full of feelings and emotions that move as electric charges when we remember or live moments like these that comentais ...

The Magellanic Clouds .... j.. er what shock! and at close range and without notice ...¡¡ thanks for this download! I have traveled across the spine ... heart raced. I brought to mind a passage from a book by Chet Raymo:

... a personal pilgrimage to the dark and silence of the night sky, looking for a human meaning. Search rewarded with fleeting revelations, glimpses of bliss and brief encounters with something larger than ourselves: a force unabelleza and magnificence that drag us to the static contemplation of distant celestial objects. And sometimes, if lucky, the reward of the search is a special moment, sublime, that such greatness that resides in the night shines (in the words of the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins) "as a foil busy ".... This is a journey that each of us must make alone, the realm of stars and galaxies ...

forgive this subsection, but for me are words that describes perfectly what I feel ... the impulse that makes me look .. sit on the field on a stone and raise the view of the stars ... irreparably. I

So, that clear night, the opposite of Madrid ... the circumstances that led me across the world is a separate story, but what I tell you is "what I felt" being there those fabulous clear nights on the shore of South Pacific Island of Aotearoa.

The sky was brutally sobrecojedor, constellations seem difficult to recognize (it takes a while to fit the puzzle upside down) ... all upside down ... and that we are familiar and there are seasonal living like a hippie commune ... our winter and summer seem to share the same sky ... Orion makes the pines .. Scorpio and Sagittarius and stand up to "key" to the sky .... damn shining stronger and falling in love to the bone. Scorpio is a surprise diamonds, sapphires and rubies ... agijón seems to be made of precious stones that shine as much up there ... The bright river Eridanus Achernar leads to the spectacular ... How the stars shine there! ... Canopus, Achernar, Sirius ... Antares ... estrelares stand and nebular clumps everywhere ... Alpha Centauri and 47 Tucanae ... HII regions .... Clouds and the two Queens ... The Magellanic Clouds. As soon as you raise your eyes the sky take hold of you.
When evening got off the vehicle on a loss of the world .. dark ... knew that the sea was close but did not look quiet as it was (only heard) ... Through Moon vehicle we had seen that the sky was clear and dark night as he was stopped and turned off the lights .. seconds after I got off and waited for acostrumbrarme looking down into the darkness looking for a rock or ledge to sit. I closed my eyes and raised my head.

When I opened ... I stopped the show blood .. immediately began to boil ...
I lost the eye directly to those two clouds in the sky ... delicate powerful, a larger and intense, like cotton. Within seconds you begin to see details ...
are immersed for a while enjoying the show, tasting, taking details ... but I spent more things ... you become receptive to other impulses, emotional, as if connected to a superhuman line.
Like a huge machine watches it were to begin to engage .. all began to take an order, a perfect machine consciousness and stopped being a simple person sitting on a rock looking at the sky on my planet ... to feel it to another level. He saw the Magellanic Clouds .. up there, knew they were satellites of the galaxy in which dwells My Sun .. and I stopped being a human scale to feel and become the Milky Way .. I felt as if I was the own Milky Way Galaxy .. great .. Extensive .. curd stars ... was rotating its structure ... They felt and .. The Magellanic Clouds were part of me, I saw in the sky and I felt surrounding me but they could not see above the record of my new structure .. Glups! then flash back to dwarf the scale of the Sun and then the planet to stop sitting back on the rock .. What feelings heavens! I thought "I tuned in such a way that I visualize and feel what they are satellites .. turn around ... "Another feeling I had was that of a silent cozy, like being at home ...
What I can say? do not know if this type of emotions or thoughts should be part of the kingdom of our intimacy or, on the contrary it is something we share without shame ... (even at the risk that some listeners do not astronomers look at you with raised eyebrows as if to say: you go girl .. the clip back to earth ... where are the sane, ... that happened to me) .. but .. I have not felt the urge to share it with you because I think that you understand this line ... and you know that if we get carried away and we rise to sky .. we have more fixed feet on earth than anyone Imagine ...
.. I think they understand me when I describe these emotions ... and I did not bore you with this story, which looks more like an excited bleeding .. what can I do?? I hunger for a clear night .... Monooo what I have!!

Greetings to everyone! Leonor


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