Friday, December 31, 2010

What Color Is Remote Wire

MMXI 4567 I have already

Cyclops: "When you cease to humble?"
Well, that, that you pass it on motherfuckers tonight: D I droguéis, I get drunk, make love with an animal and stuff!

xD HAPPY 2011!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Nadine Jansen Milking Movies

long ago wanted to draw, is on Arches paper, watercolor and adobe Psd.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Halloween Baby Shower Menu

Pele Carlos, a cousin ... José Saramago RIP

photographer by profession, ecoline airbrush, chalk pastel and brush tip markers

6 Numbers Combination

Watercolor on Guarro, chalk pastels and digital color.

How To Use Clairol Born Blond Toner


Chalk pastel and digital color, Adobe PSD, now I see it, it seems to me more ...

Bible Black Episodes Mobile

pasta! Need

I did not think that would be so easy to get money so fast! And more, without selling anything! I just said it out loud and clear, the same word twice and hang! I've fixed everything: D want to know what that magic word that made me happy today? Here goes:

JAJAJA! Yes, folks, fortunately entry above, has been a practical joke on my part: D I thought that nobody was going to bite ... or at least not as many party xDD I like your ass either haha! What sientoooo! xDD You have been a few, I have given "encouragement and support, and many others that I have written the email, telling alternatives, so I would not get rid of my treasures haha! Sorry! This joke was very flojilla had in mind a few more twisted ... in the end I have not had time to implement them ... but anyway ... I hope you all had a good April Fool's Day: DD

------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Before closing the post, I leave you with a short trailer as super long, where you shall know the "murderer of the spoon" xDDDDD Very funny, I recommend that you see him (this in English but you can turn on subtitles)

Ati Radeon 9000 Drivers Windows 7



I confirm, on page this state, I have been refused student scholarship, this year T_T are you supposed to give a reason, but I have not seen any ¬ ¬ side now have just left me without a hard fucking in crisis ... So I do not know how to face this new year!

So desperate situations, desperate measures. And one of the decisions I make, with all the pain of my heart, pa see if I can paste is put on sale, limited editions of my game and collectors, I have, on ebay or wherever.

Among them, the last special edition of Assassin's Creed: The Brotherhood, which I think it is not even on sale.

The Fallout, that of the three as the New Vegas:

more editing or work release will cost me my box of Pandora T_T God of War III ... after work that cost me get ... ñlsdfjañldfjañdjfàpj This edition is impossible to find anywhere!

course also sell dolls of Kratos, related to the saga of Assassin, etc ... For more information and possible interest:

Although if someone offered me money and I have selflessly to go through this evil drink, listen to offers: P

End of Innocence

Friday, December 24, 2010

My Kitten's Stomach Is Swollen

Happy Holidays! : D

Izquierdo: "Is anyone going to report this abuse?"
I'm not lazy ... just a victim ... xD