Hi all,
Yesterday October 13, 2010 did I finally Astronomical Drawing Workshop at the headquarters of the Astronomical Association Complutense de Alcalá de Henares.
ask one of the premises that has the Youth House (next to the headquarters of the AAC) that are available for these activities and have projection area and chair to draw support.
Between 20:30 and 21h began to arrive, we reunirmos a total of 15 participants. Some of them had to leave before the end but still very much appreciate the effort to come (a Wednesday is complicated because many rose early on Thursday). I want to thank
to all who approached you share this moment, I think this workshop opens up many possibilities and offers the possibility to experience a fun and fascinating. I also thank Fernando
support working in the logistics and photographs of the moment.
The session consisted of a theoretical presentation where I presented a series of important basic issues, techniques and also on the important details for the preparation of an observation-drawing session. Then we describe different work styles and techniques.
The practical was about drawing galaxies. I gave a series of guidelines to start a picture of M83. first basic steps and how to look at the details later.
basic steps: first dial the brightest stars, then stars asterisms and average brightness. Important to put it to scale, for it will help us divide the circle into quarters. That will put the stars in their correct areas. are in this post that I stated a while back .
stained with graphite and "charge" of painting the stump. We mark the faint galaxies, with the extension of the arms to be placed in its proper place. After more strongly mark the stump where the galaxy shines there more (regions of the nucleus and arms). We place stars in front of the galaxy and the core is well marked.
drawing is scanned and inverted.

After this exhibition we turn to the audience, projecting an image of a galaxy with many details for them to experience: the idea was to get every possible detail to try to translate them into the drawing.
This was the model: NGC1365 in Fornax

Hope you scan your picture to upload it here too, is great to see the variety of personal styles as well. Especially since they show what you have seen and what you noticed most.

This is the beginning of a series of new workshops which will shortly publish.