Fernando was now organizing astronomical roles when it has come to my table with one and he told me: you do not know what this is?
When I read I have been surprised and happy. It was a paper he had written some time ago and thought I had lost.
writing paper contained a dream which he had for a long time, and today I share with you.
Sometimes I wonder what the mind can offer, and when it comes to astronomical dreams .. indeed!
The dreamlike story I will tell you back some years ago, specifically from December 29, 2004.
We met some friends amateur astronomers in the field, including Fernando and Droy was our friend electronic wanderings, and although there were many people we parted a bit to chat. The setting was an open place which had arrived by car and then walk away, like a movie outdoors but did not see the screen.
All who accompanied us were prepared for the "movie" and we with them. We lay on the floor and began to look to the sky ... that was the screen ... now I knew.
Then began the show: Shooting stars began to arrive from all points of the compass. Ascended from the north, south, east and west converging to end just at the peak ... (Above all) what we think was the center of vision. The stars were very bright. As they ascended seemed to want to hit each other, and fighting to reach the center before the other, but just bounced off each other and then floated back as suspended between heaven and us. The brightness of these magnificent shooting stars was very intense and there were many white and blue. Occasional orange appeared but they were few.
At times he had accumulated many already in the central area over our eyes and the set reminded me of the Jewel Box open cluster in the Southern Cross. This is not visible to the naked eye so the vision of the movie star was the most fascinating and troubling.
Then something happens: the stars of the newly formed cluster of us begin to flash, as if "Tilila." Sparkled like diamonds live that revolved on themselves. I have no words to describe the emotions I felt, I only know that I felt a lump in the throat with emotion. In addition to being haunted by the spectacle of such a shower of stars (I never imagined seeing one of this way where they all go to the radiant and accumulate in groups) felt that something was going to happen any moment ... no, I had a hunch.
Then it happened: literally began to "rain" coming just crystal droplets of each of these new stars that were located about us. The eyes and mouth could not be more open.
You could tell they were perfectly transparent spheres (as drops) and falling as they do the drops of rain water, but in this case did much more slowly, allowing users to enjoy their structure and brightness. Some were bigger than others and the smoothness with which fell mesmerized us. It was curious to see them down gently, as it does not rain water .. and especially what fascinated us most was to see them leaving from the inside of each of the stars ... as if it will drain as an offering for us to show their magical content. We could see them from the moment that appeared to be closer to the ground. When
began to reach the ground the first "star drops of rain" all the way or were looking fortunate to have brushed we face, we touched the face. Do not know why but, then tried to catch it by hand but were looking only way to feel in the face ... We all bowed and smiled waiting for the chance to be hit by one. They are coming!

Then it happened, I could feel some in my cheek ... rainwater star ... remember to move your head looking for contact with them ... all possible ... and after the first drop I discovered something. NO wet
These drops did not seem to water as we know it, but looked more like a nectar of something similar to water but not wet.
was as if the skin contact instantly became stardust.
Who would not want to feel on your skin? End
Perhaps influenced by the Leonids, perhaps a way to look frustrated by the rain I can not remember ... perhaps the dream of seeing a meteorite fall ... who knows. What we do know is that this dream, like the others I've had astronomical, I produce incredible feelings I can not describe and wished that others might live ... although it is also in dreams. Mine are so real ... Writing them helps me remember vividly the feelings they bring .. and skies! what feelings ... I have to reread it again to live again. I wish we all could ye enter my ground to share and that you feel as I do (as in the movie Explorers) but since that is impossible ... I turn to this other option: to share my story in this blog.
I hope you liked it.