Monday, April 27, 2009
Microgynon Diarrhea On Last Pill
in its purest ... and without any optical equipment or anything ... Who says you have to have a telescope to enjoy astronomy?
Me assault memory vivid memories of the time we did this drawing. Perhaps that part of the essence of the drawings: they make you relive something like it was yesterday, and the best, but the years go by you never forget and when you look at the picture you think you've done a few hours ago.
was the night of August 12, 1991, .... if, for almost 18 years.
had not yet 17 years and although I had already my Tasco 114mm (for a year) did not have independence to go out with him outside of Alcalá whenever I wanted (the driving experience came much later.) So I was very hungry to see him out of town. Except in certain instances in which organized trips to observe meteor showers and did not need to take. To enjoy the Perseids not need more than a pencil, a notebook and a recliner chair .. ah the desire not because the story is standard ..
acknowledge that always made me very happy that the "record everything that shines" ... Herschel would be very proud of me, also because the scientific value that a mark may have ... Although today we live ne era of go-to CCD and never leave without my notebook and my pencils, a good complement technology and a very effective way to keep my eyes and my qualities as an observer.
Now I will tell you about the picture.
On this occasion I could not leave with the group of astronomy so that encouraged my father to come with me and then I get out on the outskirts of Alcalá together. I took a sheet
DINa3 of me left over from a book of paintings and drawings that would be the constellations that night near Perseus with a black marker. Align the constellations with yellow stripes to differentiate good or not to confuse the stars. I tried to be faithful to the largest magnitudes, emphasizing red Perseus.
I put it on the seat tilted enough to see more horizon near the corner of his eye to the peak and further west ... much wanted to cover but in his day watching me Curre "asolateras" my father was quite exhausted from the gigs and that was holding up the one o'clock so I could do this by having him get up early ...
There I was in the recliner, just outside the Technical College with my red flashlight, the DINa3 and pencil. Every fleeting immediately saw the blade pierced trying to be as faithful as possible to start and end, noting if it was fixed line or wake, brightness flashing or zigzag ... I had to miss a lot but I was very happy with the amount of these views and noted. As already home the next day I went with him ... I marked the lines along with a rule to be well defined. And my surprise was that he had gotten that radiant tunnel! looked very well that the vast majority appeared to be from a particular place in the sky. Also appreciate the occasional ... is curious what these swarms or rain ... not cease to be a spectacle.
The observation started at 21:40 UT and ended at 1:00 UT, most strokes were fast and left visible.

Today I keep this picture as gold cloth. Ana Hernandez
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Naruto Eng Doujinshi Online
Night observation with Paco The Falcon Inviernas
April 23, 2009
After a busy day at school astronomy Leonor de Guzman in the Villa
afternoon, had a double fault accident that we are in the M
Departure before 20:00 and we left for the diversion of winter, avoiding the cross section of impact craters (now almost no) and we approach the road surrounded by trees. The sky was almost covered with whitish veil which indicated that the night would give almost anything to gain, but still decided to go ahead to enjoy the evening.
Once in the observation area Paco assemble the equipment and introduced us to Poli, a refractor with a great personality. Here is how it showed the milky sky.
As the sun set we see a beautiful sunset, the horizon seemed to be painted with gold.

Then we took some photos with the teams.

few minutes after sunset twilight show was on the rise: the milky clouds and veils were stained in various shades of pink, purple and vermilion, besides purple , blue, green and yellow. The hero was the color, so I left the line backlit oak that surrounded us.
The evening was closing and the clouds were gone, think that if stars did not appear and we would pick up dinner at Madrid. Total had to attempt escape, moments like in the countryside with friends is priceless. While putting out the sky and waited to the Polar
He was very dark so the quality has been dark, the next will be much more carefully worked
finally see a star! I can not believe, seems to want to open a little. Yes, it seems that sticks ... Sirius ... what moral.
After a while the desire seems to be compliant and yet believe them are beginning to come
After all the adjustment process of the team and get programs to start working. The enduring guiding star! I can not believe, with the fog out there. Come let's shoot a picture before it disappears and miss the only chance. Poli hear tells us that it is in the eye to the galaxy NGC4088 ...
The visual experience was interesting: From
had no hope of seeing her because of the conditions of the night I was surprised by the interesting developments. Poli is a spectacular Celestron 150mm refractor opening with a strong personality and offered to show us his all-terrain qualities, including challenging the diffuse clouds. It turns out that the higher you want to show you something else invites you to bow at his feet, and the balance is balanced and you walk away satisfied. He said "Look, here's the galaxy ... you look?" and I glad I went and leaned ... "what a beauty! Truth Poli .. leave me amazed. "
The galaxy was shown without any difficulty, ash-gray uniform, oval and without details on its structure. Showed no central condensation or anything, just a curvilinear and elongated as a gray oval. The first moment my brain receives the visual information. I have no eyes light adapted by the computer, so quietly break and I am studying the field around the galaxy. Little by little I'm enjoying the character and begin to identify details: have some areas lighter than others but does not clearly define. And then ... Haps! A flash of light fine assaulted me with a pin from the center. I keep thinking: I've seen with averted vision, I will not jump .. I have to check and be safe. Rodeo the galaxy clockwise and counterclockwise doing work at my sticks ... again! Yeah, now frequently jump! is not a point of continuous light but I am sure there is. When you teach the eye to see in that area more accurately detect and easier to realize that that beacon sends its faint light from the central regions of the galaxy intermittently. A little challenge for the eye in a bad viewing conditions: sky blotted by veils of high clouds and a vague and lazy retina protest because you can not be a Rolex and mushrooms.
And he is right. Both
Nando as Paco Falcon also passed the test and the results agreed, with averted vision is intermittent and weak supernova as a delicate pin.
The transparency of the night was very bad, in fact veil of high clouds came that partially covered the sky. The night was not a night for nothing less for picture but was to try to catch it before they come down and we lose brightness, weather forecast also giving to the weekend was very bad and we could not lose this last day. Yet we were lucky, the area around
2009dd Images of the supernova in the galaxy NGC4088 from
Equipment: Takahashi EM200 mount FSQ106Ed + Temma2, self-guided with EZG60 and QHY6. Canon 350D amended.
native configuration of the telescope in f5. Field obtained with the camera:
The fog kept very dull and cloudy sky, but could the illusion of trying to catch the supernova so we decided to shoot before we were. We have not taken any dark, flat or bias, so the image is pretty rough. The first photo was of 3 minutes and even out the signal was barely supernova in the galaxy so I fired a second shot to 20 min. Here since the Galaxy is well appreciated and colleagues who are around him.
This is taking 20 minutes : NGC4088 is at the center, next to NGC4085 and NGC4100 near the right side.
cropped and enlarged the detail of interest are:
can see the structure of the arms of NGC4088 addition to the supernova, which stands very near the core point of the galaxy. Also appreciate details of structures in the arms of different densities. This color cut is processed to make it more natural, offsetting the excess red camera.
While the sky looked like we wanted to give a pseudo-improvement truce took the opportunity to do some other photos. Poli was also working with the camera capturing some objects such as M13, M57 ... while we many other regions of Virgo, Hercules ...
A snapshot of M13 6 minutes to ISO400, no darks or flats, or bias.
A snapshot of the Markarian chain in 20 minutes Virgo to ISO400, no darks or flats, or bias. In the absence M84 family photo frame is not that we came into the picture. Not bad for the poor condition of the sky.

It was scratch, we began to feel numbness in the feet in the wet and cold: 65% humidity and the temperature dropped from +5 º to +3 º despite having about 15 degrees to the sun.
We had a hot chocolate milk and cookies to hold and really helped a lot.
About 1:30 am the clouds eventually cover the entire sky, were so thick that it could not even see the stars. So we were closing the camp and keep the teams to go.
Not bad, after seeing how he started the afternoon with high clouds so no imagined we could hold up this time, was not to shoot rockets far but we enjoyed a wonderful out with our friend Paco under a starry sky and foggy.