January 11, 2007
suffered After a week of heavy fog that would not let us see the comet ....¡ FINALLY! mists have been removed to show the long-awaited gift: Comet McNaught!
The time was critical, knew that there were not many minutes after it becomes visible after sunset until it is hidden under the horizon. Leaving work at 17:30 from Tres Cantos with the new Vixen 12x80 that I have brought the Kings Majos. AND WILL PREMIERE!!
The sky was satin satin and he had little to hide the sun. Colmenar I was heading out to the north near the Sierra
There we find and locate a really good area, very clean, flat horizon, no mountain (this was on our right as we were south of Colmenar). We enjoyed the show
migratory birds that crossed the sky in V formation of what beauty! and just to the west was marked doradoanaranjada strip on which rested the blue sky.
Venus "sang" a great time and we knew that the comet was very close to her right and on the vertical of the sun and hidden. We aim for the 12 x 80 and the planet shines brightly, I moved into a flock of birds that looked spectacular by neighborhood and when the field of vision is filled with birds just move me down a little and ... ! Zass ¡¡¡¡¡¡
WAS THERE !!!!! floating among the birds with its powerful white tail that made us go until the hair glowing. My God what a sight!! gave me a roll in the heart and began to shout with joy because we did not expect that. Quickly took out my field notebook and started to draw and write down everything, it was the 18:26 local time.
The first picture encompassed the entire field, and Venus positioned as the comet.

Then we other drawings of what we saw with binoculars Fer much like me (how cool to see the diversity of styles in the drawing).
In a few minutes, the comet had moved a lot, noting the sense of rotation of the Earth
Finally timed 24 minutes but tomorrow knowing where to look can we win some more time even if it is already lower (for Saturday and we are almost there gone forever).
The memory that remains of this look at the comet is full of anecdotes: the heart, possibly due to deformation by the atmospheric layers while descending seemed peanut shape surrounded by a halo of light degraded as layers in different levels continued to finish the tail and two large jets and colorless, both white steam against orange background. At the end of the long, wispy tail it seemed to warp to the north and down (to his right as a cutlass).
I still have in my retina vividly show the comet swimming in the orange sunset strip lying almost flat on the horizon putting his head first and leaving majestic taste of cotton gauze and golden hair.

What a gift I made today the day !!!.... how well I feel after a remark like this under the stars ... Long time no see a little comet so bright and big as this!